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Year 4


Welcome to Year 4 2023 – 2024

We are all so excited about next year and can't wait to welcome you all to year 4.   We have lots of fun things planned for the year ahead to help us with our learning, and a lovely team waiting to meet you all! Please take a look at the bottom of the page for more information about the year. 



Mrs Parkinson and Miss McNamee



Miss Murphy with Mrs Esslemont




Mrs Murison with Mrs Hewitt





 Miss Allcoat and Miss Wilson


Additional Teaching Staff:

Mrs Forbes


DSP Staff:

Miss Stark  (SENDCo), Miss Saunby (SENDCo/Teacher)Miss Murison (Teacher)



Teacher Assistants:   Mrs Langley and Mrs Mills,


If at any point during the year, you are concerned about your child, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or another member of the year 4 team. In the current situation, you can do that by phoning the school or emailing your teacher directly using the email addresses.

Link For Year 4 Topics and Curriculum Plans



Term Humanities Science Art & DT RE PE Music PSHE








States of matter

4 Life on an island

Science week


Greece today

Living things & their habitats


Ancient Greeks

Animals inc. humans


Are you ready for year 4?  
PE will take place on a Monday and Wednesday for all year 4 classes. The children need to come to school dressed in their PE kit on those days ready to take part in PE.     


How will I know what my child is learning about at school?
Each term we will issue a knowledge organiser so you can support your child with any learning at home. This will include an outline of our topic for the half term and some key vocabulary. 


Our Knowledge Organisers are kept here.

We would appreciate your help this year with the following weekly tasks

  • Listening to your child read (up to three times a week)
  • Recall of times tables                    
  • Spelling practise, using spelling shed 
  • Home learning tasks                                 



Please find below any important documents you may need.