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Writing Lead- Mrs Prior. 

 Reading Lead- Mr Aves.


English Curriculum Intent           

At Studfall Junior Academy, we support our children in developing the skills necessary to read, write and speak fluently to communicate their ideas and emotions. Through our exciting and engaging curriculum, we actively encourage our children to express their thoughts and ideas. Children are given the opportunity to reflect on both their learning and feelings.

To ensure that we succeed…

We nurture our children by making their English learning experiences enjoyable and exciting, and encouraging all children to develop their creativity and curiosity through language.

We believe that all our children have the right to fulfil their potential, and it is our role to ensure that we provide a varied and progressive English curriculum, offering opportunities to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding, to become lifelong learners.

We discover by giving our children the opportunity to develop their experience and knowledge of the world through immersing pupils in the wonders of high quality texts and resources to instil a love for reading and writing and a passion for discovery that stimulates thought and imagination in different genres that develop crucial life-skills.

We achieve by acknowledging that everyone learns in different ways and recognising the need to develop pedagogies accordingly. We strive to provide a well-rounded learning experience when reading, writing, speaking, and listening which will equip children with the fundamental tools to achieve in school and beyond.


At Studfall, every year group develops their writing skills and ability through a variety of high quality texts; visual sources and planned cross-curricular topics.  Year teams have developed knowledge organisers for each term to support the children in their learning journey.  Vocabulary books have successfully been introduced over the last couple of years.  Here, the children have access to a wide range of ambitious vocabulary which they are encouraged to add to and use in their writing.  Regular  opportunities for children to edit and improve their writing is actively encouraged.

Children at Studfall are encouraged to take pride in their work and celebration pieces are displayed around the school.  Kinetic letters is taught to support handwriting and Nessy is used to further children's knowledge where there are gaps in their phonic knowledge.


All our children have access to Spelling Shed which can be used at home and in school.  Our Year teams provide children with regular spellings where they are able to practise spelling strategies in an exciting way!  

Reading at Studfall Junior Academy

Every year group has a comfortable and stimulating reading environment where children are given the opportunity to read for pleasure. Reading is valued as the fundamental life skill that underpins every area of success. Children take part in a variety of reading activities in a typical week including one to one reading, group and guided reading or reading for pleasure. A reading development journey is supported through phonic books, banded books and 'real' books. Access to quality texts is enhanced through online library and reading app systems. At Studfall children read, are read to and see adults reading to promote a positive reading culture.



We continue to support and develop children who have found phonics difficult previously. To enable the smoothest possible transition to our Junior school, we have recently acquired and trained staff in the phonics programme called "Essential Letters and Sounds". This programme is used in the Infant Academy.